KuVS-Awards – 2016 Awardees
Award Selection Committee Chair: Otto Spaniol (RWTH Aachen)
Best Bachelor Thesis Award
Cole Bailey (KIT; supervisor: Martina Zitterbart):
“Anonymity in Ad-Hoc Social Networks“
Best Master Thesis Award
Andreas Schmidt (Uni Saarbrücken; supervisor: Thorsten Herfet):
“Network Traffic and Infrastructure Analysis in Software Defined Networks”
Best Dissertation Award (I)
Stefanie Roos (TU Dresden; supervisor: Thorsten Strufe):
“Analyzing and Enhancing Routing Protocols for Friend-to-Friend Overlays”
Best Dissertation Award (II)
Florian Tschorsch (HU Berlin; supervisor: Björn Scheuermann):
“Onions in the Queue: An Integral Networking Perspective on Anonymous Communication Systems”